Citrix Receiver from Blackbaud's website.If you need to re-install Citrix, proceed to.Optionally, if this un/re-install is due to Citrix errors and/or an additional attempt to reinstall, refer to the steps in this Citrix resource to remove files remaining on a system after uninstalling Citrix Receiver for Windows:.Log files generated by Always-on Logging are stored in ~/Library/Logs/Citrix Receiver. This feature is enabled by default and turns on basic level of logging regardless of the logging configuration. Receiver for Mac 12.2 introduced the Always-on Logging feature, which helps collect important one-time event. To collect full logs, go to Citrix Receiver -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Logging. Right-click on the entry in the list and select Uninstall.Ĭould you please provide Full Logs for Receiver for Mac and Wireshark Traces from Mac Client? This will help us in debugging the issue.Locate the Citrix Receiver or Citrix Online Plugin application in the list of installed programs.Select Uninstall a Program, or open Programs and Features.Log into the computer as a Windows user with Local Administrator rights.